Friday, January 25, 2008


I am a human made of flesh & blood like you but the problem is the human nature. The problem with racism start from Devil (Eblis). Devil don’t want to respect Human (us). So he starts the Racism. Some times we human start follow Devil. We some times do racism by color, face, county, state, dress. Some times our friends influence us to follow & think their way. Now days I become so strict about Racism. I stop mixing with some of my friends who got race problem. Racism is totally Haram in Islam. As a Muslim we believe in only one race called Human. We got another race called Beast. But my race is Human. I am black but I got blood & flesh like you. I eat & go to toilet like you only difference is name & way of thinking. Be careful from your friends who are racist. If you follow racism you will become Eblis (DEVIL). The spoiler of human kind. So I want to protect my race. So I am not racist. Who you are?

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