Friday, November 16, 2007

Getting Selfish

I learn one big facts today. More & more the world is progressing more & more we are getting selfish. The output we can see the social disorder in our life. We never think for our parents, family, friends & most important our God. We just go for our vision. Never think of our life what we are trying to get? Only money & sex. Is this real life? Some go for females. This week this female & next week another one. But they forgot that they got mother. Some go for money. The way they are getting money is legal or not? The way we are working is it harming the society? We just think our self only. This is the big fact now days that no one is caring for others. So the output is clubbing, free sex, drugs, Aids, school kids get chain smoker, no one care for old parents. When we see bad we never stop any one. So every one do the same thing then who will protest against the bad? Now days can feel only one thing! Am I a human? Do I have the character of human? I believe I become a stupid robot what our society want. Now days we don’t have any principle. Only one thing we follow is money. This money will makes us monkey very soon……………….

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