Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Totally Hypocrite.

I just finishe reading Quran. I feels very guilty about my self. Reading Quran but can’t follow up the commandments. Then what kind of Muslim I am? It is better to be a dog. My friends do adultery and they proudly say to every one how they did sex & how many times. What kind of animal I am that keep listening those & can’t stop them. Both male female willing committed the adultery how to stop them. Both of them know it is Haram. I am a hypocrite. I told them but no use of it. I am really a pure hypocrite that read Quran, Belive in one Allah (GOD) but can’t follow up his commandments. I become a holey person now. I can’t imagine now what kind of Muslim I am. Totally hypocrite.

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