If any one ask me what is happy life? I would like to give the answer please follow the life style of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS). I never push my wife or force her. I always try to approach her the way our Prophet convinced his wife. We human can change the world only if we follow the way of Islam. Islam always says to respect females. They are our mother hood (Not Robin Hood). So the respect comes from each other. Love don't comes from the sky. We human needs to build the bonding of love. Love needs respect. Our prophets got many wives and all of his wives respect him a lot, because he treat them best way. So as a muslim Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) we all need to follow his way. If we manage to follow his way to run our life, then our life will be heaven in this world.
This is my daughter. Allah create her. She has no religion now. Even she don't know how to talk properly. She only know how to play with parents. Alhumdulliah she born with Fitrah. Actually she know who is her GOD. Only thing that she can't tell us now. Even she meet the Allah before she came to this world. The reason she can't talk now, if she can talk she will tell us every thing about ALLAH. Thats why Allah don't give children the power to talk. After they forget everything only then they will start talking.